okay, so it's about the end of the quarter, here at vp. and as usual, i'm freaking out. some grades aren't current online, some not even online. so here's what i know...
spanish: a
pe: a
freshman seminar: ?
geometry: a
english: ?
biology: a?
yeah, that's about right. i'm a little concerned about freshman seminar. i turned in all my work, but my teacher doesn't like me very much, so crossing fngers now. now, you guys are probably wondering why there is a question mark next to my bio grade. that's because i just took the most devilish test on the face of the planet today. totally .... unsure of things now.
in other news, halloween plans are totally confused. aryanna isn't feeding me any info, at all. she's forced me to nag her everyday if she got approval or not, which i hate doing, and still nothing. sorry, i love you aryanna, but you're fucking annoying the living shit out of me.
so, i took her advice and made back up plans. ryan said he was free on halloween day, so we could hang out. but we're still deciding what to do. ryan and i could go back and forth with "i don't know, what do you want to do?" for hours. and for a while i thought he was joking, he always spring a "heather" thing on me, so it never works out. but it's one day till halloween and we're still on, so i ask him what's up. apparently he broke up with heather. whoa, where have i been the past week?
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