at the last track meet, i rolled my ankle on a pine cone, and sprained it. wow....
well i'm better now. i should be able to run monday; yay!
in other news.
my life has been wonderfully bliss right now. my science fair grade is now a 27o/3oo, meaning i got an a! whooooo, i might even go thank my teacher. haha no, i'm joking. i deserved that a.
so the other day, a band from the near-local university, usc, came down to vphs to play for us at lunch. i love the tone of his voice, but he needs works. at least i didn't say it out loud, like everyone else.
yesterday, i woke up realizing i had no plans for the day. so i called lina up and we hung out at the block, and seeing 17 again. it was cute. that's all i have to say. there were some things i didn't like but... i'm not going to say anything.
today, i'm going to the movies again, but with someone else. we're seeing adventureland. (:
oh and i hate pine cones. i want to sue them and ruin their species.
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